10 ways to know for sure you’re screwed.

2 min readFeb 13, 2020

Well, you can just ignore the title except you already know for sure like me. Really, its a very unfair world, a lot of things just don’t add up. There’s the popular saying that, “Talent is equally distributed, opportunity is not”……. bullsh**. Which talent, i’m yet to figure out what my talent is and whoever is in charge of the distribution is just so partial. Some people are born with pure gold in the voices, like literally born with it, no voice training, nothing at all. Some born with magical fingers for art or instrument. Some were formed in cloud 9, the heavens of the special born. Opportunity not being equally distributed baffles me for real. People are legit struggling and toiling to make ends meets while some don’t even have to lift a finger. What really is the formula for these things? Why do things happen the way they do?

Honestly, life is way more easier when someone has some sort of talent or special abilities that people like. There are like a whole lot of people on the universe but only very few people make it really big, others just survive and procreate hoping their next generation get it right.

Humans have a way of influencing how life turns out for everyone. Talent roughly means a unique natural ability. If talent is equally distributed, then every individual on earth has a unique natural ability that makes them stand out. You know, sleeping, staring, dog-walking,etc could actually be people’s talent. There’re too many people in the world, for only a few talents to be recognized and celebrated. If we all have talents, then it shouldn’t be a leverage for superiority. We create the opportunities that’s being shared without even knowing it. The motivational coaches would probably say we have to fight for the limited opportunities to succeed. What exactly is success, lots of money and global fame? Everyone on earth definitely can’t be billionaires or constantly on the TV screen. Success doesn’t have to be measured in currencies.

There are so many talents out there that seem stupid to the bearer because its not a trend on twitter, on the cover of Forbes magazine or even widely accepted as a standard for success. Its even more difficult in developing countries, where people are driven by the need to feed daily. The whole talent and opportunity talk is just bullsh**, some people are just probably so lucky. Its a whole lot to comprehend even for me…..

