False Time

3 min readNov 5, 2021

I saw a movie this morning about a lady who changed her lifestyle once she found out she was terminally ill. I loved the story line and how her love story progressed then it hit me, she just found out she was going to die and that changed her approach to life but how are we all any different. We all are mortal beings and will surely die in the end. How are we any different from someone with cancer, more time? or not knowing when?. Honestly it doesn’t even make sense to me right now. Like why do we think we have so much time that we basically wait for the right time to live?

I’m not terminally ill right now, but really that’s not the point. There are more than a million ways to die suddenly, you can even google it. It’s stupid to think we have more time than we actually have. Think about if you were sure you were going to die soon what would you do differently today? Then ask yourself what makes you think you won’t? Does the timeline even matter? Life is short anyways, no matter how long you live.

It doesn’t make sense to take each day for granted in the hope of a tomorrow, what if tomorrow never comes? Most humans are so bent on achieving something or becoming successful, have you ever stopped to think what would this accomplishment actually bring to my life? Why do I want it so bad I throw all my weight into it? I asked myself such similar question recently and I realized deep down, I wanted all these nice things and nice life so I could be relevant in this world. Really? Relevance? R-E-L-E-V-A-N-C-E? Honestly there’s much more folly in this world than we really accept. I go down a rat chase for most of my vibrant life all in the name of relevance, BS. If a doctor told me today, that I had only a week to live RELEVANCE would never make the list. My list would have stuffs like love, happiness and helping someone else.

So that’s the point, why do we live most of our lives like we are immortal. We are a freaking time-bomb that can go off anytime and we should be aware of that. I don’t mean a fearful kind of awareness but an informative kind of awareness that inspires us to make decisions really good for us. If there’s anything I’ve learnt lately, it’s that all we need as humans to live a fully glorious life has been given to us from the beginning. And what truly matters is the state of our mind every f***king day. Talents, skills, abilities all those are just cool words, what really matters is the power of the mind. So instead of going about each in pursuit of a future that never comes. We should instead remember all we have is today and what truly matters is what’s in our mind. Really we don’t have all the time in this freaking world, and thank God we don’t like there’s so much pain and loss to be in this forever.

